I'd better warn you now this is a really long post with lots of pictures, but I cannot tell you how happy I am with my lovely new crafting space! A place for everything and everything in it's place. This is as you come in from our boot room, with my main work desk just at the forefront of the picture.
This view is from the opposite corner and is of the main shelving unit that was already in the room when it was used previously as a store/work/shed room! I was waiting for the floral cubes which arrived today and they fit the shelves perfectly!
This is a close up of my fabric and felting storage. together with some vintage sewing bits and pieces and a couple of vintage dollies, including the baby which was a birthday present from my MIL - it's a Rosebud and I have a collection of these so I was very happy to receive this little cutie.
We inherited the piano when we moved here, also from my MIL, and hubby bought me a Piano book for beginners for my birthday, so intend to have a go, once it's been retuned! Maybe something for winter months.
This is my usual working desk next to the door to the garden - the bottom panel of wood in the door is being replaced by glass to let more light in (and to keep the local cats out!).
This unit houses mainly all my embellishments - flowers, charms, pearls, buttons, lace, ribbon etc. I may prettify the folders along the bottom which hold mainly my cling stamps - I shall enjoy looking for new pretty storage boxes/folders.
Moving on to the corner next to my embellishment unit is the corner with all my 6 x 6 and 8 x 8 design papers. Behind the ribbon storage,(which I also want to change) are all my Stampin up Stamp Sets and the small wooden chest to the left holds mostly wooden backed stamps. Also lots of paper and card storage here. Oh and the metal card drawers hold all my dies - and they're all now in alphabetical order!!
The top glass cabinet was being got rid of by my SIL, so I nabbed it as I thought it would look fab on top of this old plan chest which belonged to my late FIL.
The cabinet houses my vintage card collection for now, a couple more dolls and some old ink bottles. The flowers here were from my son for my birthday, and can you spot a wedding pic of me and hubby 32 years ago!!
The first three drawers of the plan chest hold all my punches - I pinched this idea from best matey, Lesley, who has her punches in large drawers like this (although purpose built for the task). The ones above are mostly my Stamping Up and shape punches - it's so nice to be able to see them all easily.
My Martha Stewart punches
Finally, all the others, and my punch boards which I hope to make more use of now that I can put my hands on them so readily.
This next corner, has been designated messy/ mixed media corner! The cabinet behind houses all my inks and paints and general stuff to help alter other stuff! A few years ago, hubby bought me a melt pot which I can now use without having to clear the decks on my desk.
The Thornton pic is an old advertising board that one of my daughters obtained which is rather in keeping with my love of chocolate!

This is really to show you my new Big Shot Plus machine which hubby got for my birthday - the little Revolution machine was my first die cutting machine and it's rather handy now to keep out for those small, fiddly dies. I am also thinking about giving craft lessons or craft parties for children so the table will be perfect for that (I already tried it out with Nick's cousin's girls who were here last week and they loved it! They made two fab cards, I was very impressed!

Finally, my little relaxing area where I may just sit and read or look out on the garden.
This unit contains all my 12 x 12 papers, and I recently bought the card display stand for when I start doing craft fairs!!!!!
You may be able to spot a new card which I will be uploading to my blog in the next couple of days.
And to finish off a close up off my seating corner - I love this chair!!
Well I hope you enjoyed the tour of my new space, I've just got to start using it now - however, we have my Aunt and Uncle and my Dad arriving to stay for a few days tomorrow, so I may have to wait a little while yet!!
Let me know if you want to come and play - Crafty retreats can be arranged - our holiday let is directly above!!
Hugs, Juliexx