My Fab Followers

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Tilda Challenge

Finally for today, this is for the weekly Tilda challenge on DC. Had to use components beginning with T-I-L-D-A so here goes:

T - Turquoise, Thread, Titian Tresses(!), Thank You

I- Inked edges and Inked lace (to make it lilac)

L - Lilac, Lace

D - Die-cut flowers, rain Drops, Diamante

A- Floral Accent.


Ruth (ooffee) said...

This card is great - love the colours!
Your blog is great too! Hope you enjoy blogging as much as I do!
Have fun!
Hugs - Ruth xx

Kirsten Alicia said...

Fantastic cards Julie! Just found your blog via doCrafts, will add it to my favourites list.