Well, I've had a great day crafting with my crafter in crime,
Lesley, but before I show you the card I made, just thought I'd fill you in on what a naughty mummy I've been. Well, not so much bad mummy but all round poor reader of instructions, and the scapegoat for a mum whose child doesn't keep in touch with them!! My 15 year went off on the school skiing trip yesterday, driving overnight to Austria by coach! Anyway, Em texted me this morning to say their coach had broken down in Germany and it stayed broken down for about 5 hours!! She kept texting whilst I was having a fab craft day, and they eventually arrived at the resort mid-afternoon! All well and good you might think, but then the phone tree comes into play!! Well, I had taken that with me today (good forward planning I thought) just in case there was an emergency, as that was what it was for! However, they got there safely, so no crisis, right? Wrong!! Got home just after 6pm and eldest DD, Holly, told me that a teacher had rung to say they'd got there - well, of course!! I knew that!! However, have just now taken a call from a rather irate mother saying she hadn't heard and she'd been worried sick!!! Look at the list and yep, I was supposed to phone my contacts to say they'd gotten there!! I said, well, hadn't her daughter been in contact about the breakdown but apparently not!! So duly phone the other two parents and their offspring hadn't been in touch either. Gosh, I'm glad my daughter likes to let me know what's going on in her life!! Now, I do feel bad 'cos I obviously hadn't read the instructions properly but what child doesn't have a mobile these days if you're that worried!!
Anyway, rant over and I know my bad, but did have a lovely day making tthis card for
Roses on Paper Challenge 31, asking for Pink, Brown and Cream, and I used the sketch over on
Friday Sketchers, No 89. Used this gorgeous Mo Manning image again (second time this month, and other stamps haven't even had a whiff of ink!) but I loves it and it was perfect for the recipient!
And this is just to show you the easel.

Medium - Copics ( Lesley's)
Image - Mo Manning
Papers - K&Co, Papermania, DCWV Latte stack
Punches - Nestie Labels, EK Success for flowers, MS Deep Edge Daisy Fan
Tulle - From Quixotic Paperie
Card Candy from Craftwork Cards
I feel all of a fluster now!!